Government Universities

Abant Izzet Baysal University

About the university:

The number of students at Abant Izzet Baysal University exceeds 30 thousand students, male and female. Some of them aim to complete postgraduate studies at Bolu University and others found the university to be the best option for them to begin their academic journey, while the university is credited with the experience of its acclaimed teaching staff. Among Turkish universities.

Available colleges:

– Faculty of Dentistry

– College of Education

– College of Arts and Sciences

– Credi College of Applied Sciences

– Faculty of Fine Arts

– Faculty of Law

– Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

– Faculty of Sharia

– College of Communications

– Faculty of Architecture

– College of Engineering

– College of Health Sciences

– College of Mathematical Sciences

– Faculty of Medicine

– College of Tourism

– College of Agriculture   

For more details about grants and registration, you can contact us: Via WhatsApp

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