Psychology specialty :
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, encompassing the understanding of emotions, thoughts, and human behavior. In Turkey, psychology specialization is considered a comprehensive field covering various areas including psychotherapy, scientific research, and personal development.
Number of years of studying psychology in Turkey:
The number of years of studying psychology in Turkey is 4 years.
One year of study, which is a preparatory year for the language, may be increased if the student is not fluent in one of the two languages, whether Turkish or English.
Curriculum in psychology Specialization:
– Psychological Counseling
– Psychological Analysis
– Psychological Measurement
– Social Psychology
– Psychological Compatibility
– Personality Psychology
– Educational Psychology
– Cognitive Psychology
– Legal Psychology
– Clinical Psychology
– Educational Psychology
– Applied Psychology
– Introduction to Behavior Science
– Learning and Cognition
– Principles of Psychology
Psychology specialty departments:
– Working as an Independent Psychological Counselor
– Working in Psychiatric Hospitals
– Professionals in the field of Mental Health and Psychotherapy
– Researchers and Professors in Universities and Health Institutions
– Consultants in Human Development and Education
– Employees in Public Relations and Marketing
– Social Workers and Psychological Counselors