What is the SAT

The SAT is an abbreviation for Scholastic Assessment Test, and it can be said that it is a proficiency exam for admission to universities and higher education institutions in the United States of America. This exam measures the readiness of high school students to enroll in university, as it provides different colleges and universities with standardized data for comparison between applicants, in addition to reviewing their high school results, recommendation letters, CVs, and motivation letters, and then making a final decision about accepting them or not.

When is the SAT exam taken?
Most high school students in the United States take this exam in the spring of their junior year or fall of their final year in high school, as it is important to leave enough time before the end of the school year so that the student has the opportunity to retake the exam in the event that he does not pass it or wants to obtain a grade. higher.
The exam is held in America during the following months: August, October, November, December, March, May and June. In other countries of the world, it is announced on dates that vary depending on the country, but in most cases they coincide with the exam dates in the United States.

What are the sections of the SAT?
The SAT test consists of two main sections:

1- Mathematics: It includes 58 multiple choice questions, 20 questions in which the use of a calculator is prohibited, and 38 questions in which the use of a calculator is permitted to solve them.

2- Reading and writing: It is divided into two main parts:

Reading and Grammar Section: It includes 52 multiple choice questions that include reading paragraphs or sentences in various literary and scientific fields.
Writing and Language Section: It includes 44 multiple choice questions that include grammar, meanings, and editing skills.

How long is the SAT exam?
The duration of the SAT test is three hours, and if you are taking the essay portion of the exam, 50 minutes are added, so that the total duration of the exam becomes three hours and fifty minutes.

What is the SAT score?
Each section of the test is evaluated with a score ranging from 200 to 800, then the scores of all sections are added together to obtain the final SAT score, which reaches a maximum of 1600. If you take the essay section of the test, you will receive a separate score from the rest of the SAT

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