
Nutrition and dietetics

Nutrition and dietetics specialty:

The field of nutrition and dietetics has flourished, especially in Turkey, as one of the first countries to separate this specialization from other medical disciplines. It has become a standalone academic discipline, supported by Turkish universities through educational, professional, and applied programs that meet global quality standards. The aim is to produce specialized professionals capable of raising awareness about nutrition among the general public.

Duration of studying nutrition and dietetics  in Turkey :

The duration of study in nutrition and dietetics in Türkiye is only 4 years.

Course Curriculum for Nutrition Specialization:

  First Year:

– Career Guidance

– Organ Functions and Physiology

– Chemistry

– Anatomy

– Function and Life

– Introduction to Nutrition

  Second Year:

– Principles of Nutrition

– Biochemistry of Nutrition

– Food Chemistry and Analysis

– Public Health

– General Microbiology

– Food Regulation and Legislation

– Maternal and Child Nutrition

 Third Year:

– Nutritional Therapy in Pediatric Diseases

– Institutional Nutrition

– Nutritional Therapy in Adult Diseases

– Nutritional Problems and Epidemiology

– Nutritional Education

 Fourth Year:

– Practical Training in Hospital   

The most important departments of the nutrition and dietetics specialty :

– Hospitals

– Private Clinics

– Food Marketing Services

– Maritime Transport Services

– Diabetes Units

– Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Support Groups

– Air Transport Services

– Elderly Care Facilities

– Schools and Kindergartens

– Oncology Units

– Rehabilitation Units

– Kidney Care Units

– Sports Club Hotels

– Transplant Units

– Food Manufacturing Plants

– Weight Loss Centers

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