
Business Management specialty

Business Management specialty:

Studying business administration at Turkish universities is considered one of the distinguished majors. Turkey is experiencing remarkable developments in corporate advancements and related fields, and this progress wouldn’t have been possible without the successful implementation of business administration specialization. Business administration programs cover various sectors of commercial activities across different domains that have shaped modern Turkish advancements. These include business management, marketing studies, human resources, e-commerce management, and administrative information systems.

Number of years of studying business management in Turkey:

The number of years of studying business management in Turkey is 4 years.

One year of study, which is a preparatory year for the language, may be increased if the student is not fluent in one of the two languages, whether Turkish or English.

Curriculum in business management Specialization:

– Business Mathematics

– Financial Accounting

– Introduction to Management

– Introduction to Economics

– Fundamentals of Law

– Business Finance

– Cost Accounting and Management

– Operations Management

– Social Responsibility and Ethics

– Human Resource Management

– Marketing Management

– Corporate Finance

– Institutions and Financial Markets

– Organizational Behavior

– Managerial Economics

– Consumer Behavior

– Work Environment

– Management Strategies

Business management specialty departments:

– Strategy Development

– Project Management

– Human Resource Management

– Budgeting and Budget Management

– Cost Analysis

– Marketing

– Data Management and Analysis

– Digital Marketing

– Sales Management

– Production Management and Planning

– Accounting

– Financial Planning and Management

– General Management

– Securities Investment

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