Sociology specialty :
Sociology specializes in analyzing and investigating human society using various methods of empirical research. It is a branch of the social sciences covering topics such as deviance, social classes, culture, social movements, and law.
Number of years of studying sociology in Turkey:
The number of years of studying sociology in Turkey is 4 years.
One year of study, which is a preparatory year for the language, may be increased if the student is not fluent in one of the two languages, whether Turkish or English.
Curriculum in sociology Specialization:
– General Sociology
– Theories of Sociology
– Cultural Anthropology
– Social Guidance
– Demography
– Social Change
– Introduction to Sociology
– Social Thought
– Economic Sociology
– Religious Sociology
– Social Institutions
Sociology specialty departments:
– Social Counselor
– Director of Social Research Projects
– Human Resources Manager
– Teacher or Researcher at Universities
– Specialist in Social Statistics and Data Analysis
– Working in the fields of Media, Journalism, Marketing, and Public Administration