Ship Engineering specialty:
Engineering disciplines branch out, and among the modern specializations are those associated with the maritime industry, such as studying marine engineering in Turkey with its various branches. Among these specializations are studying maritime transportation management, marine mechanical engineering, ship technology engineering, and other related engineering fields. Those entering this field are part of a specialized job market involved in ships’ operation, management, construction, and design, regardless of their shapes and types.
Number of years of studying ship engineering in Turkey:
The number of years of studying ship engineering in Turkey is 4 years.
One year of study, which is a preparatory year for the language, may be increased if the student is not fluent in one of the two languages, whether Turkish or English.
Curriculum in ship engineering Specialization:
– Engineering Drawing
– Navigation and Seamanship
– Mechanics of Machines
– Marine Engineering Drawing
– Fluid Mechanics
– Computer Science
– Preliminary Design and Drawing
– Marine Steam Engineering
– Operation of Marine Power Plants
– Operation and Management of Ships
– Engine Room Management
– Mathematics
– Offshore Platform Construction
– Structural Analysis of Ships and Shipbuilding
Ship engineering specialty departments:
– Shipbuilding Factories
– Maritime Transportation Companies
– Ministries and Directorates specialized in maritime vehicles
– Engineering Offices
– Companies and factories specialized in manufacturing equipment for ships
– Factories specialized in the maintenance of large maritime vehicles.